FULL STACK DEVELOPER, - Sep-2020 to Jan-2023
Developed a robust and scalable web application infrastructure
• Implemented secure user authentication and subscription management
using AWS Cognito and Stripe, Streamlining the onboarding process
• Improved the overall performance of the web application by optimizing
resources and implementing best practices
• Designed and implemented a mobile-first responsive frontend application
with Material-UI, providing a seamless user experience across all devices
MOBILE DEVELOPER - May-2018 to Jul-2020
• Converted expo app into React Native one
• Integrated OCR technology into the app for scanning business cards with
Google Vision API
• Used i18n to support multi-languages
• Identified entities within documents with google language API
• Implemented several image animations, rotating, Cropping, drawing
• Integrated with Salesforce, Google API, Microsoft Dynamics, Outlook
• Worked on app security in real-time, improved top minification of the code,
encrypted database
Software Developer - Jun-2016 to Dec-2016
• Developed hybrid mobile automotive field app from scratch using React
Native to provide car service (washing, repairing)
• Integrated Alipay and WeChat pay payment into the app for achieving group
purchases, card vouchers, and other activities
• Implemented pixel-perfect app based on the design provided
• Created various components including tables and cards field up with
professional and practical information of automotive field fetched from
Django back-end
• Helped dashboard application development and hosting it on Aliyun web
• Developed a web portal where the employee can submit their project ideas
and request resources needed for the project.